Festivals are truly fun learning times for children at Skool4Kidz. This year’s celebration of Hari Raya Puasa or Aidilfitri at all the centres continues to embrace togetherness and inclusivity with plenty of activities, fun and laughter.

It brought together, children, families and staff in April for the joyous occasion, which signifies spiritual growth, renewal and community.

Children, many of them together with their parents, turned up with great anticipation in Hari Raya clothing and colours. They had the opportunity to learn about the festival, which marks the end of the Muslim holy month of fasting that takes place every year. They were also taught about the traditions and customary activities associated with the celebration.

Fun-filled programmes were designed to engage the children for the occasion.

There were song and dance performances, fashion parades of best costumes, Hari Raya skits and art and craft such as batik painting. They also made traditional Malay delicacies such honey cornflakes, ketupat etc., and had a good time tasting them.

The parents had a great time too participating in most of the activities and bonding with their children.

It was memorable time for all. The celebration helped to foster cultural understanding and the spirit of inclusivity and unity that defines the Skool4Kidz community.


Published On: April 17th, 2024
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