You did it, little ones! It has been an amazing learning journey and we are so proud of you!
The past two years of living with COVID-19 gave our preschoolers a unique and memorable learning experience. Their schooling alternated between in-class sessions with strict safety measures and home-based learning.
Skool4Kidz Preschool curated a special Virtual Graduation Ceremony for our Kindergarten 2 children towards the end of 2021 to congratulate them for completing the preschool education.
Accepting and Overcoming Challenges
Themed “My Hero is You”, the virtual concert provided the children with solo and ensemble performance opportunities. Depicting the children’s journey during the pandemic, the in-centre production showcased the little ones’ talents and develop their confidence through public performances. The acts journaled our preschoolers’ experiences as they learn to cope with challenges during the health crisis to discover that they can become heroes. The children learnt about caring for and supporting each other as well as the importance of reinforcing COVID-Safe habits through partnership and accountability.

Our little Heros performing at the safe, meaningful and memorable event during Graduation Concert 2021.
Milestones Unlocked!
All our 19 preschools involved the Kindergarten 2 graduates in the planning of the graduation productions. These were broadcasted online for parents and loved ones to watch in the comfort of their homes.
During the online ceremony, our children proudly dressed in graduation gowns and mortarboard hats to receive graduation certificates. There were also valedictorian speeches and the singing of the Skool4Kidz School Song.

Our little Heros performing at the safe, meaningful and memorable event during Graduation Concert 2021.
Kudos to all Skool4Kidz teachers for their effort in preparing for the event and congratulations once again to each and every one of our graduates. We are so proud of you!
Please view more photographs of Graduation Concert 2021 and the previous years here:
#GraduationConcert #GraduationCeremony #Graduation2021 #Graduates #ZoomConcert #VirtualGraduation #MyHeroIsYou #SingaporePreschools #Skool4Kidz #Skool4KidzPreschool #S4K #AnchorOperator #Childcare #InfantCare #BabyCare #Kindergarten #EarlyChildhoodEducation