Earth Day 2020 fell on 22 April 2020, in the midst of the Circuit Breaker but that did not stop our little ones from being creative and having fun.
As a meaningful home-based learning activity to mark Earth Day and create greater environmental awareness globally, our children came up with posters and cards with messages on saving our planet.

With the use of recycled cardboards and other materials, Clarisse and Warren created their Earth Day pieces.
Children from Pre-Nursery to Kindergarten level were encouraged to use as much recycled material as possible and with whatever medium of expression. Many of them, with the help of their parents painted, made paper cuttings and crafted paper dolls.

Earth Day means loving the Earth: Sisters Ke Ying and Ke Xin draw the planet Earth in shapes of the heart.
It was an interesting and enriching home-based activity for the children as the celebration for our Earth comes only once a year. Through a teleconferencing platform, the teachers explained the significance of Earth Day and how the children could play a part in helping to protect the environment. The children were very excited to see their friends online and how they were preparing for the fun time creating the Earth Day messages.