Some 650 Skool4Kidz educators and staff attending virtual training workshops to deepen competencies and for career progression.
All Skool4Kidz Preschools, including three mega Campuses, celebrate continuous learning at the year-long Professional Development (PD) Festival 2021. Some 650 educators and staff participate in trainings to deepen competencies in the Early Childhood (EC) and for career progression.
We Celebrate Learning!

This year’s Professional Development Festival theme ‘Celebrate Learning’ focuses on skills to nurture the young.
This year, with the PD Festival theme of “Celebrate Learning”, the focus is on equipping our educators to holistically develop preschoolers. Adapting Outdoor Learning indoors using developmentally appropriate and intentionally planned curriculum is a key theme.
Conducted by experienced trainers from the KLC International Institute, our educators learn techniques to implement Outdoor Learning through Harnessing the Power of Stories to bring the outdoors to life. The importance of outdoor learning for children is enhanced by equipping our educators with skills to use stories to transform children’s daily outdoor learning experiences. Imaginative out-of-this-world adventures are aided back in the classroom through augmented reality as part of Skool4Kidz’s unique technology-aided learning.

Our educators undergo training to help Skool4Kidz preschoolers explore Outdoor Play as part of the Technology-infused curriculum.
To reinforce Skool4Kidz’s Technology-Aided programmes for preschoolers, the teachers also attend courses to use Information Technology to Teach In A Multi-Lingual Environment.
Additionally, other PD training topics promote Pre-Literacy Skills in Infants and Toddlers while focusing on The Impact of Nutrition on Infant and Toddler Development. Qualified nutritionists with extensive experience working with preschools also focus our kitchen staff on the importance of Nutrition and Food Safety.

Dr Jane Ching-Kwan exhorts our educators to continuously amass knowledge and skills to help our children achieve their developmental and learning goals.
Learning Never Stops.
Dr Jane Ching-Kwan, Skool4Kidz’s Curriculum Founder, encourages “On-going professional development creates a culture of learning that is really about engaging our children in the most effective ways possible.”
She adds, “By learning forward, continuous Professional Development becomes our commitment to quality education. Let us learn smart to better support our children’s learning!”
‘’Learning never stops. Good teaching doesn’t just happen. We work hard for it!” quips Dr Jane.
#OutdoorLearning #CelebrateLearning #Outdoor #Learning #HeightenedAlert #InfantNutrition #ToddlerNutrition #PreschoolNutrition #FoodSafety #InfantLiteracy #ToddlerLiteracy #DigitalCurriculum #ProfessionalDevelopmentFestival2021 #ProfessionalDevelopment #sgteachers #sgschools #Skool4Kidz #S4K #AnchorOperator #Preschool #EarlyChildhood #ChildCare #Kindergarten #InfantCare #babycare