We’ve graduated! Our little ones from Skool4Kidz @ Yishun Orchid Spring look forward to embarking on their new primary school journey.
Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, Skool4Kidz’s 2020 graduation concert for Kindergarten 2 students this year was unlike past years’. Instead of the usual en masse event, each centre held their own concert.

Hand-made props, right down to the costumes – bravo, Teachers!
Despite not having their families present physically, our children were not deterred from putting on their best performances and having fun. Held between October and November, the individual concert was a momentous roundup of their preschool years.
Understanding Self-acceptance
Themed ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’ – a children’s storybook by Giles Andreae – the performance was held across all centres. The story tells of tall and awkward giraffe Gerald who loves to dance but finds difficulty in doing so. Other animals would jeer and make fun of him. However, he persevered and eventually dazzled the crowd with his new dance routine.
The story teaches of self-acceptance, the importance of embracing everyone’s differences. It builds confidence and self-esteem. Children encouraged to not to shy away from trying new things, even in the face of failure.
Together, We Made It Happen
Our little ones spent weeks practicing and rehearsing under the dedicated guidance of their teachers. Kudos to our teachers as well, for their effort in preparing the props for the event, most crafted from scratch!
It was certainly no easy feat pulling off multiple graduation ceremony events across 20 centres via online platform Zoom. Selected students gave their valedictorian speech and Chinese recital in the classroom, and sang the school song together. The programme was concluded with the rousing Skool4Kidz Rap.
We are also proud to share that Skool4Kidz’s virtual graduation efforts were recognized on Lianhe Zaobao.

11 Oct 2020: Lianhe Zaobao shares how Skool4Kidz overcame challenges and still gave its children a memorable graduation.
#GraduationConcert #Graduates #Zoom #VirtualEvent #GiraffesCantDance #GilesAndreae #PrimarySchool #LianheZaobao #SingaporePreschools #Skool4Kidz #S4K #AnchorOperator #Childcare #InfantCare #BabyCare #EarlyChildhoodEducation