
Skool4Kidz Preschoolers’ Art of Giving for AWWA

The Skool4Kidz Care Fund collaborated with Crestar Learning Centre (CLC) and the community in a meaningful inter-generational give-back outreach project named “Little Giving Artists’ and our preschoolers joined in! Our Little Giving Artists pay forward through charity and creativity. Artistic [...]

December 28th, 2021|

Hi-Po Skool4Kidz Educator wins ECDA Award 2021

Hi-Po Grooming lands ECDA’s Promising Teacher Award 2021 She has been with Skool4Kidz for about two years and progressively groomed as a High Potential (Hi-Po) towards the next generation of leadership and seniority. Ms Krishanthi Vijaya made her mark as a high performing teacher [...]

December 13th, 2021|

Skool4Kidz Day 2021 – Staff Wellness is Key

The Covid-19 pandemic over the past two years has put a strain on everyone’s mental, emotional and physical well-being. Skool4Kidz Preschool recognises the need for the staff to cope with “pandemic fatique” while serving in the frontline early childhood industry during this challenging period. [...]

November 15th, 2021|

Preschoolers Ask Why!

Teachers are usually the ones asking questions during lessons to spark imagination and learning. Skool4Kidz Preschoolers recently turned the tables around to ask their favourite teacher and principal questions they always wanted to know about the teaching profession to mark Teacher’s Day 2021. [...]

October 8th, 2021|
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