An infant taking baby steps with his parents around Skool4Kidz campus.

Ms June Ng’s career progressed exponentially in the Skool4Kidz High Potential Talent programme.
Some of our many fulfilling careers, Early Childhood Infant Educarer and Preschool teacher, can make a difference to your progression!
“It is important to love and care for the children and be a role model,…” noted Ms June Ng, a Preschool teacher in Skool4Kidz.
All teachers have the opportunity to grow and thrive in an environment for nurturing young children. One can excel exponentially and be identified as high potentials to further pursue their career aspirations. Ms June Ng is one of the many identified in the High Potential Talent programme. She affirms, “This programme has definitely helped me to be better at my job and to learn more about teaching”.
Infant educarers who have consistently outperformed are given the opportunity to advance further through the Skool4Kidz Leadership Development Programme. This Programme identifies aspiring employees and prepares them to assume leadership positions within the organisation.
All Skool4Kidz infant educarers and Preschool teachers are life-long learners attending continuing professional development programmes each year. Each staff has a tailor-made Individual Professional Development Plan to groom them towards their desired career progression. This ensures they can more effectively nurture and transform the lives of the young children in our care.

A typical fun day for Preschool teachers with the little ones.
Contact us today to make your mark in the ever-rewarding world of early childhood education!
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