For the extra mile in making lessons more engaging, Skool4Kidz preschool teacher Ms June Ng received much appreciation during the recent mid-year Parents-Teacher Conference.
Interviewed by The Straits Times in celebration of Teachers’ Day 2020, Ms June shared how she collaborates with parents while captivating their little ones with eye-catching content and catchy songs during the home-based learning lockdown period.

Source: The Straits Times © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction.
More of The Straits Times interview here
She focused on technology aids to ensure children internalise sequential thinking and problem solving as part of the preschool’s advocacy towards 21C citizenry.

Ms June engages the children in coding using Tech-Aids to make lessons meaningfully fun (photo taken pre-COVID19).
“Ever since you started teaching my son’s class, I have seen huge improvements in him …,” gushed Mommy Priya.

Ms June applies creative techniques to impart knowledge to our children in an engaging way (photo taken pre-COVID19).
Ms June is lauded for sharing teaching tips with parents and keeping in touch through emails and personal interaction to share the children’s progress in school. Garnering the support from parents to help improve their children’s learning is key. Ms June makes effort to introduce helpful information links to the parents and freely advises how parents can teach the children at home.
“Thank you … Now I understand why it took my son so long to pick up words despite my reading to him every day,” mused Mommy Vinodini.
Although she trained as a preschool educator, it was after the birth of her second child while trying to find suitable infant care that Ms June was led back to Early Childhood industry. This reignited her love for the teaching and she has not turned back since!
For her efforts, Ms June is part of Skool4Kidz’s Leadership Development Programme for fast-track Hi-Po teachers to assure her career progression in the Early Childhood industry. Her mentor is the centre principal, Ms Eileen. Her progress is managed by the company’s Talent management team to ensure a smooth transition from teacher to leader.
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