Welcome To Skool4Kidz Preschool @ Bedok Ping Yi Greens!

Our educators at Skool4Kidz Preschool @ Bedok Ping Yi Greens focuses on spending quality teaching time with the children. Our aim is to help the children build the skills needed for primary school and also lay the foundation for lifelong learning to achieve success in whatever they do.

Skool4Kidz Preschool @ Bedok Ping Yi Greens is a recipient of the SPARK (Singapo​re Preschool Accreditation Framework) certification. Awarded by the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA), SPARK certification is an endorsement of the quality of a preschool and its programmes.

Skool4Kidz Preschool @ Bedok Ping Yi Greens is awarded the highest Platinum accreditation in Healthy Nutrition by Health Promotion Board to ensure our children eat right daily in our care.

What Parents Say

Thank you, Lee Laoshi, Ms Christine and Ms Fiona for your unwavering care towards Ethan. We are thankful that you continue to exhibit professionalism even when our son misbehaves and continue to teach him social skills and nurture him with patience. It is not easy looking after so many toddlers and on this special day, we offer our heartfelt appreciation to you.

Mr Clifford, father of Ethan, N2

We have been very happy that Zachary has been having such a fulfilling time in school with all the teachers, not only in his level but even the other levels who do come to help watch the kids too. We are thankful for the teachers in the school and congratulate all on a job well done!

Ms Sabrina, mother of Zachary, Infant

Thank you to all the teachers in infant care for taking care of Eden. We appreciate your patience and love towards this little lobster!

Mr Tianle, father of Eden, Infant

Would like to give my utmost appreciation to Teacher Belle as she has showered my girl with lots of love. Alexis mentioned once or twice that Teacher Belle is her best friend‚ which shows how much she adores her in return. Keep up the great work and touch more little lives! Thank you!

Ms Jenny, mother of Alexis, N1

Shi Laoshi is a dedicated teacher with children’s’ best interests at heart. She is strict with the children, and enforced rules and regulations in school, which is crucial for children’s’ development. She also teaches Mandarin with passion, and I would like to applaud her for it.

Ms Jenny, mother of Alexis, Skool4Kidz Preschool @ Bedok Ping Yi Green, N1

My daughter was not so good at writing and reading early this year.
She even had trouble with left to right way of recognising the words sequence.
Skool4Kidz provides the flair programme and enrichment for writing and reading.
Now my girl is doing pretty well and confident for her Primary 1.
I am thankful to the K2 teachers (Ms Lin, Yimei Laoshi), Ms Lisa (read & write programme) and Ms Clara (Flair programme) in helping Emma to achieve such fantastic improvement.

Parents of Goh Zuo Ting, Skool4Kidz Preschool @ Bedok Ping Yi Green, K2

Thank you Teacher Christine for tapping Sky to sleep on some occasion. He always has difficulties falling asleep. Thank you for being so patient with him.

Ms Shiya, mother of Skydan, N2

Thank you Yimei Laoshi for always looking out for Stefalyn. Laoshi is always so patient to guide her in her work. Her mandarin is constantly improving. Thank you!

Ms Shiya, mother of Stefalyn, N2

Thank you beebies teachers for always caring and teaching our precious boy with love and patience! Special shout out to teacher Angeline and teacher Tuyet! We are able to work in peace because of your help!

Ms Jasmine, mother of Asher, Infant

Initially, Yu Zhe was very reluctant to go to school and always crying but recently I found out that he is very happy at school and no more crying especially seeing Teacher Debbie in the class. You must be putting lots of love and care to him. I sincerely appreciate your care on him though there are more children to take care of.

Ms Yee Ling, mother of Yu Zhe, N1

Teacher Christin and Yi Mei Lao Shi, thanks for making school so enjoyable for Caleb and for taking such good care of him. Your efforts for the class is much appreciated!

Ms Kristen, mother of Caleb, N2

Teacher Cristine is a dedicated teacher. She puts a lot effort in her teaching materials and we appreciate the school assignments given as we parents get to bond with our children. As parents, we are ensured if our kids are in the hands of a good teacher.

Mr Zen, father of Julius, N2

What Teachers Say


Chenjiaohua, Chinese Language Teacher


Liyimei, Chinese Language Teacher


Hua Xia, Chinese Language Teacher

Working with children and their families to build a strong bond as we lay the foundation in their early years’ education. It warms my heart to see how the children grow independent whilst knowing what are the right values to have in life.

Sajidah, Lead Teacher

It was a huge switch of career from a sales field to the early childhood industry. I have never regretted making this choice. To date I am still enjoying myself in this line, giving my very best to the children that are under my care. Enjoying myself being part of the children’s early stage. I am very overwhelmed by what I able to witness in the child’s milestones. My passion will continue growing in this industry!

Angeline, Infant Educarer

Teaching the early years is the most crucial work of a teacher, it entails accountability and compassion, it is not just about teaching the basic concepts of education but also guiding them in discovering and understanding the ABC’s of life. Teaching is more than just a profession it’s a commitment and dedication in transforming lives.

Debbie, English Language Teacher

Being Infant Educarer for 8 months I feel lucky that I have chosen this career. It could be tired however when seeing the smiles or laughs from these angels, that give me back my full energy. I believe with good quality care from centre children will develop fully in their domains. I have 2 kids, therefore, I understand how parents worry about their children during school hours. I try my best to bring my “children” ( the infants at the centre) the best of my services. To me it is not just a duty to do my work, I do with love and love will go around. I am good with these children, somewhere my children are also getting the same.

Pham Kim Tuyet, Infant Educarer

For me, teaching is an amalgamation of vocation and avocation. Teaching is not only instilling knowledge and values but also motivating and empowering the future generation to follow the path which we teachers have once trodden on.

Saraswathi, Centre Leader

Teachers act as a second mother in the school, we guide and teach the children to become independent and we develop them holistically.
We inspire and give love to the children.

Marie Belle, English Language Teacher

To me, teaching is a lifelong process. Teaching with children has helped me open my eyes to see how their innocent minds view our world today. Children are our future and I want to be part of a child’s journey to success in life. I am indeed honoured to be part of my children’s learning journey in Skool4kidz.

Fadhlina, Preschool Teacher

For me “Teaching” means, touching the heart of your children. It means serving, caring and loving them with all my heart.
“Serving” through giving and sharing the knowledge that allows the children to learn, preparing and planning age-appropriate lessons and activities that encourage holistic development for the children.
“Caring” by providing the children with a friendly and safe environment that will facilitate children to explore and discover new things.
And “loving” them through moulding, influencing and showing them morals and values that they need to be a good and productive individual to the society.

Cristine, English Language Teacher

It has been a great journey from a person who started as an infant care teacher then assists N1 then to the main teacher in Tiny Tots. I gained a lot of knowledge and I learnt to always not to lose hope to strive for my best to become a teacher to wonderful TinyTots. I learnt courage from my children and learnt things from them every day. Thank You, Tiny Tots (PG). My partner Chen Laoshi. Lead teacher Ms Saji and my principals Ms Sarah and Ms Vasandy for the trust and believing in me and always encourages me. Also, to my BDPY teams thank you for the happiness and laughter gained from all of you.

Haier, Infant Educarer

I like to be a preschool teacher to get create an entertaining, engaging and creative classroom that promote learning as well as social, cognitive and emotional development and experience.
I am passionate, caring, secure and loving. We must support the development of children to start off their education and attain some most basic and foundational academic.

Rohatinah, Infant Educarer